Innovative R & D

Innovative R & D
Innovative R & D
Asics Gel、High-rebound and high strength PU compound for mid-sold uses、Upper PU Casting Innovation has long been known as the only rule for survival in business competitions where a strong wave of blue ocean strategy is propping up the red one. Being innovative is, still, the only standout of the revolution.

To be a proactive thinker combined with years of experience in processing area, Holisen is able to analyze customers spoken and unspoken needs while foreseeing the market trends. This capability allows us to create new products that fit with industrial concepts as well as be a good replacement of the old kind. Nevertheless, to improve the competitiveness, we open to collaborations and technology transfer opportunities both in and out of Taiwan.

The development of a business is a continuous adventure; Holisen has always been following the promises given to our customers. We believe that our personal’s hard work will lead us to become one of excellent examples in Taiwan as well as allowing us to keep the foothold in the country and expand across the border to global. In the past 20 years, our team worked step by step to fulfill the promise of long-term commitment. In the following stage, we will continuously devote in upgrading our R&D environment along with cooperations with other organizations and education through training programs, aiming to cultivate more professional specialists in PU field while creating more on-trend products with distinctive features. Hope that in the near future, Holisen will soon be recognized as one of most successful leader in the field and is able to turn our lucrative vision to reality and repay to our society.
  • PU Foam
  • Shoe-sole molding
    Shoe-sole molding
  • Proved by Asics and named as'Asics Gel'
    Proved by Asics and named as'Asics Gel'
  • Upper PU Casting
    Upper PU Casting
  • Smooth surface onto foam
    Smooth surface onto foam